2CCA704322R0001 ABB E298-16-001

Zati zenbakia:2CCA704322R0001
PLCDigi NO:PLC-2CCA704322R0001
Fitxa teknikoa:2CCA704322R0001
Deskribapena:E298-16-001 Main contact module 16A, 1CO
Bidalketa:Mundu osoan DHL eta UPS-ek
Bermea:12 Hilabete
Itzuli mota:Estandarra


Zati zenbakia 2CCA704322R0001
Marka ABB
Bizitzaren zikloa Aktiboa
muntatzeko metodoa Surface mounting
sarrerako maiztasuna 240 Pixel
uhin forma baterian 240 Pixel
bateriaren funtzionamenduan maiztasuna 240 Pixel
kargatzeko denbora ohikoa 240 Pixel
kolore 240 Pixel

ABB 2CCA704322R0001 zehaztapen teknikoak, atributuak, parametroak.


Installation relays are electromagnetically operated miniature contactors in the standard DIN width of 18 mm. A reliable control system can be designed using these ABB Installation relays E297. They are used mainly in industrial plants but also in commercial and public buildings. As a rule, installation relays operated by means of a control switch (maintained contact) are installed where it is necessary to operate lighting, an air-conditioning system, a fan or suchlike. Installation relays are also referred to as monostable switching relays or 2-pole miniature contactors. The term "monostable" means that an on command has to be sent to the coil by means of a control switch (maintained operation) in order to excite the magnetic coil. The coil armature attracts and closes or opens the main contacts. The device remains in the on position for as long as the control voltage is applied to the coil. If the voltage flow to the coil is interrupted, the installation relay always returns to the neutral position (off position). Installation relays and the accessories are available in different versions in order to easily satisfy the various market requirements. Their optimal switching capacity also makes them suitable for use in industrial environments and in situations where it is necessary to ensure control over more powerful consumers (such as e.g. multiple lighting ystems). Using an optimized coil (low power loss = lower operating temperature) ensures a clean and safe operation in the electrical distribution board.
  1. Erosketa

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  3. Aurrekontu eskaera

    Piezari buruzko azken prezioak eta inbentarioak lortzeko aurrekontuak eskatzea gomendatzen da.
    Gure salmentek zure eskaerari posta elektronikoz erantzungo diote 24 orduko epean.

  4. Ohar garrantzitsua

    1. Eskaeraren informazio mezu elektroniko bat jasoko duzu sarrera-ontzian. (Mesedez, gogoratu spam karpeta begiratu duzula gure berririk ez baduzu).
    2. Inbentarioak eta prezioak neurri batean alda daitezkeenez, salmenta-zuzendariak eskaera berretsiko du eta eguneratzerik dagoen ala ez jakinaraziko dizu.

  1. Bidalketa kostua

    Bidalketa $ 40-tik hasten da, baina herrialde batzuetan $ 40 baino gehiago izango dira. Adibidez (Hegoafrika, Brasil, India, Pakistan, Israel, etab.)
    Oinarrizko salgaia (pakete ≤0,5 kg edo dagokion bolumena) ordu-eremuaren eta herrialdearen araberakoa da.

  2. Bidalketa-metodoa

    Gaur egun, gure produktuak DHL, FedEx, SF eta UPS bidez bidaltzen dira.

  3. Entregatzeko Ordua

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    FedEx International, 5-7 lanegunetan.
    Honako hauek dira ohiko herrialdeetako denbora logistiko batzuk.

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    Italia 5
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    Ekialde Hurbila Israel 6

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2CCA704322R0001 Stock2CCA704322R0001 Prezioa2CCA704322R0001 Industri Automatizazioa
2CCA704322R0001 Osagaiak2CCA704322R0001 Inbentarioa2CCA704322R0001 hornitzailea
Eska ezazu 2CCA704322R0001 lineanKontsulta 2CCA704322R00012CCA704322R0001 Irudia
2CCA704322R0001 Irudia2CCA704322R0001 PDF2CCA704322R0001 Fitxa teknikoa
Deskargatu 2CCA704322R0001 fitxa teknikoaErosi 2CCA704322R0001ABB fabrikatzailea
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